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November 14, 2003 - 11:03 am

Yeah, so I forgot to update for a while. Sue me.

I must admit right now that I'm really borderline cranky lately. Stress. That's it. I'm just under a lot of pressure right now, so unless I'm really careful, my mood could swing into badness at the drop of a hat. But, I'm trying. And here are a few reasons I'm succeeding.

Martel's coming down tonight as so I can help her celebrate (belatedly) the 22nd anniversary of the day the world was enriched with her presence. Wally Pleasant tickets and pink beers are our tools, with which we will create a fantastic evening.

Other points of excitement: The semester is rolling along in at such a pace that, given I can keep up, it'll be over in no time.

My aunt and uncle bought my grandma a house! I understand that this might not mean the same thing to you as it does to me, but I'm way geeked. She's so lonely where she lives now, and she's always wanted a "real" house, instead of the trailer deluxe she's got now. It's something I would do for her, if I had the money, and I'm just glad I'm related to people who are able and willing to make her last decade or two more enjoyable.

Also, my boss is urging me to come to Santa Monica with him in mid-December to help him clear out his Milken office. If I can find safe haven in the home of a friend out there, it'll be sun and sands and other non-Michigany things for at least a few days!

So in general, I'm in a really good mood.

In other news, Jim sent me a link to a pretty decent punk/ska internet radio station. I'm listening much too passively to even pretend I'm still the girl I was in high school.

Where did she go? And do I even care?



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