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November 09, 2003 - 6:52 am

My stupid computer clock.

If you'll please take a look at the timestamp on this here ditty, you'll notice that, according to my computer, it's just about 7am.

In the real world it's ready to hit 11am. C'est la vie.

It just doesn't keep time. Never had, prolly never will. When the power went out it kinda reset itself, and was pretty much on track for almost a week, but as we can see today, all good things must come to an end.

Speaking of end, I saw Matchstick Men last night. Tabi and Karen predicted it and I didn't. Cut to me being completely struck when it's all laid out. Damnit.

Last night at Denny's we were treated to an unfortunate sight. It seems that a costume party had been broken up by the po-po, and many displaced youth had found their way to the smoking section right around 1am. Many of those in costume stopped to change out of it (or most of it-I still don't know if that one person was a dude or just a really ugly chick), except this guy in pirate gear.

At one point in time, Mr. Pirate decided he should make friends with our table (which Denny's patrons are wont to do...), so he came and introduced himself. It was then that I realized how low my tolerance for people is when it's past my bedtime. He extended his hand and introduced himself as "Draco." That sealed the deal right there.

Me: Your mother name you that?
"Draco":, my name's Chris, but I go by-
Me: I hate pseudonyms, Chris. Don't trust 'em. You'll get no handshake from me.

And so on, and so on, and I'm an asshole.

After a short conversation on how little tolerance I have for people who create an overdramatic facade, a few pirate jokes, and an explanation of my feelings on names, we decided that everyone at our table should get a nickname. Tabi is now the Countess of Pickle, and I am Mistress McFancypants. We didn't get much further on that...McFancypants kinda stole the show.



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