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August 07, 2003 - 11:07 am

I just wrote this gloomy-ass, mopey, bromidic, asshole entry, but then magic happened. I'll just save you the crap and pick up at the happiness.

...And just in time! TMBG radio has just saved my mood. YOU try maintaining a gloomy disposition while �Damn Good Times� plays. You just can�t do it, I promise.

I'm endlessly amused by people's screennames. Sometimes when I get bored I try to think of some of my own. I often giggle at what I think would be the BEST of the best as far as over-dramatic goth-like or role-playing-friendly names go. Some favorites include:

  • DarkChylde (my absolute favorite, I can't keep a straight face when I think of it

  • Firerealm

  • Lightrayne

  • Deathchill (No, really, I heard this one once.)
Personally, I prefer fun names. There are a few steps to creating a truly fun name. First, you must start with a title denoting some sense of silly authority. Mister (Mr.) works, but I prefer things like Captain or Sheriff, then, throw in noun that provides simple pleasure, like the name of a food you like, or the nickname you gave your first bike. For an extra kick, try adding in the word "pants" or some other everyday afticle of can't hurt. This is BOUND to produce fun. Some examples...
  • Sheriff Tatertot (I've used this one myself)

  • Mister Bananapants

  • Admiral Bullittboots
Last but not least, try out some words that just make you giggle. On my list are "sniffle," "fancy," anything ending in "-osh" or "-ator," and "guava." Play around with it a little. Hopefully, in time we can phase out names like "Bryndlynn" and bring in "Professor Fancypants." It'll be a beautiful world, just you wait and see.



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