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August 05, 2003 - 9:34 am

Aw Jeezus...

so when I was talking to my sister yesterday, she drops a bomb on me:

"You're going to be an aunt-again!"

Yeah, well, this might be great news...IF my sister hadn't had a hysterectomy about 6 months ago. Charles' fiancee is also uterus-free as of her teen years, so I knew it wasn't him, either, which leaves one more sibling:


Yup. My 17-year old brother has successfully knocked up his equally underaged girlfriend. Mind you, this is the brother we used to have pools on, pools like "How long until he's in prison?" and "How long until he drops out of school?" He's not the most mature fucker out there, which I attribute to my mom's shitty parenting. Now, he's reproducing. Fucking great. There's no way he's going to get a job and support his child and babymama, which means that my mom will probably have a hand in raising this poor child. Just what this world needs, another kid fucked up by my mother.

Excuse me, I'm going to go weep for the future.



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