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August 04, 2003 - 11:53 am

One thing that makes me happy: sisters.

Mine is fantastic. I could waste incredibly too much time telling you why there is possibly no other person in the world whom I love as much as my sister, but I won�t. In reference to the last 21 years: �You just had to be there.�

Much like roommates, sisters can be a blessing or a curse, I know there are many people who hate or at least don�t care about theirs, but most of the ones I know make me happy, be they mine or someone else�s.

Stacey�s, for example, are spectacular, both of them. Mary came over yesterday and much hilarity ensued. Of course, I�ve known Stacey�s family for so long that they feel like my own, so perhaps that explains the warm feeling I get when the three of us are sitting around, but nonetheless, it�s nice to be surrounded by people that know you and yet STILL don�t run screaming; people that remember you when you dressed like a 70-yr old man, when you thought Korn was a cool band, or when you dated that fucking tool in high school who lied to you ever three seconds and then broke up with you in a letter. God love �em, those people.

It seems that the only time people call me is when I�m in class. I learned my lesson a long time ago and gave up my �vibrate� setting for �silent,� but every time I leave class I have at least one voicemail message. Today I had two, happy day! *jumps up and down, does �special� clap* One was from my sister, asking if there was a good day for her to come to visit with her kids.

�Made my day� doesn�t even describe it.

This is one of my simple pleasures. Overall, I just don�t think it takes much to please me, and all the easy-to-achieve things that make me smile serve as proof. A call from my sister, watching a voracious thunderstorm from an open window, finishing a New York Times crossword puzzle; these are my little bits of happiness. I don�t know where I�d be without them.

Reader assignment: Tell me, dearests...what makes you happy? Jot it down in the guestbook, leave me a note, send me an IM or an email, but let me know. It's times like these that I feel mine are more necessary than ever.



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