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August 10, 2003 - 8:21 am

Sometimes I hate being a girl.

I mean, I've never been really good at it, being a "girly girl" that there's an outsider-type feeling coming from that camp, and on the other hand, no matter how much you are "one of the guys" you're always going to be left out when "the guys" wanna/needta hang with "just the guys."

Haney called me in the middle of the day on Wednesday to say that he missed me, and that we should hang out. Well, the weekend has pretty much come and gone, and I haven't gotten any phone calls (Okay, so he was sick...but where in the fuck was everyone else?). In the meantime, the Outrage time bomb is ticking horribly do the math. This whole Operation Megan Isolation isn't really sitting so well with me lately.


Fucking boobs, always getting in the way.



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