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August 11, 2003 - 11:46 am

I had a dream last night. It had many creepy crawly things that made me quite uncomfortable, and towards the end of the dream, scared.

Now, mind you, this wasn�t the scariest dream I�ve ever had or anything, but I remember it because I willed myself awake (I�ve done this during other dreams, too). I had to keep myself awake for a few because I was worried that if I just fell back asleep immediately, I�d have the same dream over. I kept moving my feet around under the covers, half worried I�d feel something crawling around down there.

Luckily, when I woke up, my cat was asleep right next to me, so I knew I had nothing to fear. Whew! *wipes brow*

In other news, I have a confession to make. Ever since the 5th grade, I�ve been in love with �The Secret of Monkey Island� and it�s successors. Even in my senior year of high school, I played all of the way through the third cheesy-ass adventure: �The Curse of Monkey Island� and you know what, I fucking LOVED it! Yeah, so when they came out with #4 on the PS2, I was tempted�but a $50 price tag can be a big deterrent. Well, two years later, when I found a used copy at Hollywood Video for $10, I went for it.

It�s horrid. Just horrid.

*shakes fist at LucasArts* I TRUSTED YOU! What�s up with this SHIT you call a game? I�m horribly disappointed with you. For SHAME!

Considering the load times on that damn thing, and the fact that time is money, I probably would have come out on top if I�d just taken a $10 bill and lit it on fire.



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