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November 02, 2003 - 1:22 pm

Last night the power went out around 9pm or so. I realized two things that make me kinda sad.

The first was that it was 9pm, and that I sat through that blackout, reading my candlelight, instead of changing out of my "saturday morning clothes" and heading somewhere with LIGHTS. The other was that when there's a power outage, I become kind of scared of the dark.

Yeah, you heard me. Scared of the dark.

It only happens during outages, specifically because I know that the darkness is something I have no control over. Perhaps scared is the wrong word, but I'm uncomfortable with the darknes when I know that I can't just turn on a light and illuminate almost every corner of the room in. My mobility is kinda limited (in the more specific sense) and that somehow translates into a sense of isolation, as if I'm really stuck in my house because I can't see well enough to move from my kitchen to my bathroom.

So in the future, if you know there's a power outage, you should come to my house and keep me company.

Oh, and another thing: I end a lot of sentences with prepositions. So sue me.

Anyhow, now it's Sunday afternoon, and I'm still battling a very severe crisis of motivation. But good news! I finished my draft of my longer fantasy paper. That's 2938532% percent of my frustration right there. Still, I find myself doing things that could clearly wait (like writing journal entries) because I am scared of my Indian history texts. Yes, scared.



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