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November 01, 2003 - 3:44 am

The party was fun.

You should have been here.

Cameron was a rumrunner and Peden was John Lennon from the Sgt. Pepper album and Mike was a robot and Lauren was Tom Cruise from Risky Business and Jeff was Leonard Shelby with the polaroids and some kid I don't know was Johnny Depp from that pirate movie that was based on a Disney ride and Karen was the Queen of Capitalism and Bart was Baumer and Jim was a samarai and Ingrid was his geisha and there were a lot of other really good costumes and if you weren't there you missed them all and we watched (not so) scary movies and I ate food that was bad for my heart and the jello shots and the meatballs both were big fails and I lost pieces of my costume bit by bit and found them this morning in random places.

We just finished cleaning.

You should have been here.



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