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October 31, 2003 - 9:16 am

It's here! My favorite non-family holiday of the year is finally here!

I've spent a month in antici...pation, and when this morning finally came, I couldn't sleep. I got up an hour early to help Stacey (who had the same problem-Jeebus we're nerds) clean the apartment. Lemme tell you, this shindig we're gonna have right here? Good times, I tell you. It's gonna be good times.

I've encountered my first problem, tho...I went to put on the tails, horns, etc. for my work costume and realized they were crap. Specifically, the headband for the horns doesn't fit my head. My horns keep falling over my eyes. I want to return them and buy a better set at Fantasy Attic, but I don't have a lot of faith in Hot Topic's return policies...we'll see. I'll get my anger on, see what they do.

Anyhow, I should go do that. You, on the other hand, should play songs from the Nightmare Before Christmas and sing along, as I am...OR you should attend my fantabulous costume party tonight and watch it with us.

Kidnap the Santy Claus,
beat him with a stick.
Lock him up for 90 years and see what makes him tick!

Happy Halloween everyone!



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