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October 29, 2003 - 11:17 am

Two days till Halloween. I'm so excited I could burst into flames. Flames!!!

Now's about that time of the semester where I have to start all of my final projects, which kinda sucks because it means decisions and planning. Damned planning. Anyhow, it also means that I'm about half way done. In fact, the way things are set up, it's more like two thirds.

I can't find the last piece of my work costume-a blue dress. Seems impossible this time of year. Melanie loaned me hers, but it makes me look like the Big Hipped Monster from Fat Arms Land. In other words, it's very unflattering.

Still, I may wear it just to add that touch of wit to my costume. We'll see.

Or at least, I will.

And now I'm off!



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