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October 27, 2003 - 2:33 pm

I'd like to note right now that as much as I did love my pumpkin, I also loved cutting him open, ripping out his insides, and cutting a face on him where I thought one belonged.

And then I pushed him out into the cold to sit watch in front of my doorwall.

Poor pumpkin.

This morning I decided to open up my box of "things I don't tell other people about" feelings and let a little of it spill onto my sister. She is such a wonderful beautiful person, and made me feel 100X better for having talked to her. She's so wonderful and I should make her cookies. So should you.

In other news: October is ending, and so is Cafe Ambrosia's October chai special...I think you should all go partake while there's still time.

Also: Costume party. My place. Halloween night. Get yourself a damned costume and come by, cuz we're gonna have goodies and Nightmare Before Christmas and horror films and costumes and all sorts of things that you'll really enjoy. And even if you have other plans, you should let me know what you're gonna be for Halloween, cuz I care.



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