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December 13, 2003 - 11:38 am

I'm suffering from a pretty icky case of senioritis. I figure, since I've been a senior for about a year, and will be for another year or so, I will just call it senioritis every time I get really really lame about my work, not really caring and procrastination even when I'm down to my last paper of the semester and with enough work could be DONE in no time.

In truth, as beautiful and fun as it sounds to finish my paper right fucking now (read "within about 10 hours"), I would rather shoot myself in the foot with a potato gun that get to work on it. Even though I'm working now, I'm doing more research cuz it's easier than actually organizing and writing. I R teh suck. This is just how I feel.

Plus, there's this part of me that KNOWS I can finish it tomorrow and Monday, and just take today off. Even though my reasonable bits know this is NOT the best idea, as today is ripe for finishing and all, but have fun now? Oh joy!

This is the way it goes. If I have a million things to do, my work ethic COMPLETELY plays ball and I can get so many things done I amaze even myself...but if I have the slightest bit of give room, I can get really lazy sometimes, and even though I've got it easier than I had for the last three months, I still somehow can find it in me to internally whine about all the writing I have to do today. When it's Me Vs. Me, I just can't win.

I'd like to note that since Tuesday I've run through over half of Catcher in the Rye. Okay, so it's not a horribly long book, and there are definitely more difficult texts out there, but still, that's a lot more than I can usually get through in a matter of days, unless I've got an honest-to-goodness deadline weighing on me. Stupid school, doesn't know anything.

So with that said, I'm gonna go do some mad outlining, then maybe some citations, then probably fuck off for another hour or so, in hopes that I will then be able to work on my paper.

In other news: My clock is so completely special you just shouldn't trust it, ever. So if it's a weekend...yeah, just disregard that little timestampy doohickey up there, it's a lying whore.



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