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December 11, 2003 - 10:39 am

Yesterday was a good, warm, fuzzy day. Yay for yesterdays like that one. I went to my nephews' christmas thingy at their school, which was all about the birth of Jeebus, cuz they're mad Christians, yo.

It was cool because I got to watch them sing and dance and such, and this one poor girl kept forgetting her lines, and my oldest nephew was the latter part of a donkey, and it took everything I had not to congratulate him by saying he was the best donkey's ass I'd seen all year, and I got to see the girl that has a crush on him, she's a hottie. I wanted to tell him to "jump on that train like NOW, brutha!"

But the best part was the performance piece that directly followed, where all of the older students, dressed all in black, did this little ditty with wooden dowels to this song about Jesus and how through all his shenanigans, crucifixion and all, he was still her son, and this little girl pretended to hold a baby and weep while they pantomined the nails going in and HOT DAMN!

It reminded me of the South Park episode where they tried to put on a Christmas pageant without offending anyone, so it ended up being all the kids dressed in black swaying and reciting some chant. Teehee.


In other news, our first order of supercoffee came last night, complete with a complimentary coffee maker. Which I brought to work, as we already had one at home. Yay for work coffee.

Also, Martel and Rachel are coming out today for fun and goodness and whooo!



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