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December 09, 2003 - 9:31 am

So I've got one final down and one to go. That gives me a really good feeling, and makes me think that somehow or another, the second one's going to be easy. Of course, I have no reason to believe that, but whatever.

Stupid confidence.

Mike called yesterday from the airport on his way home. He got the job at Insomniac. A big load of props to Mike for landing a sweet job. Of course, it also means he'll be on the other side of the country come January, so of course my enthusiasm is couple with sadness. But then again, this was going to happen, I just realize now that I didn't REALLY think it would. I mean, I expected everyone else to eventually move, but somehow I figure that something would work out and Mike would be able to stay. At least, once the first mass exodus happened and he was still here, I felt that way.

Stupid hope.

In other, less sappy news: I stayed up last night to write the letter Pearson requested, and as a result I slept in hella late this morning. I R teh major suck. THIS is why I scheduled so many early classes next semester, kids...I NEED that. Otherwise, I sleep in an hour and a half past when my alarm goes off, just because I don't feel like leaving my oh so warm bed.

Stupid bed.



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