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June 30, 2004 - 3:44 pm

Yesterday was a good day. I needed one of those, and I enjoyed the hell out of it like it was my job.

Not only was I able to run around town and get lunch with my favorite Chicagoan, picking up new gear for him and a copy of "CHILDREN OF SATAN III" for myself, but afterwards I was able for relax for a number of hours at Espresso Royale with my laptop and a good book. By evening I was quite content.

But wait, there's more...

Yesterday was, in fact, the eve of the most anticipated event in Meganland this week-Spiderman II! Yay! I made it a point of reminding as many people as possible, then meeting with good people for coffee and food beforehand. Much laughter was had by all, and we were able to follow it up with the most Emo Spiderman ever, complete with a credit track by Dashboard Confessional.

Oh yeah, and I very much would like Peter Parker to be my boyfriend.

Needless to say, Kim and I did the happy pants dance, even though I was wearing a skirt.

That evening the weather was nice, and so was the company, and even though I didn't get a ton of sleep, I was pretty happy with the results. All I need now is for my stupid rib to heal so I can start running again.

Stoopid rib.

In other news, my cat throws up. A lot. And he looks like a lion, more than ever. Methinks he's some sort of shapeshifter, and this makes him sick.



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