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June 27, 2004 - 12:36 am

I should go to bed.

I have to get up early-ish tomorrow to take Jeff to the airport, but I really don't think sleep is an option for me right now. My fucking spleen is killing me. You know that cramp you get in your side when you run too long? Well, mine won't go away-ever.

Also, in spite of a good evening of adventures with Jim and Brad on campus, I'm still in a bit of a pissy mood. They broke into my car again last night, in hopes of finding the face plate to my stereo, but taking my CDs in spite when they realized they had failed. I say "they" and "again" because I'm sure it was the same person(s) as last time.

The fact is, I can't afford to go get a car that isn't as easy to bust into, and I can't afford/justify a car alarm, so I feel pretty damned helpless in this whole situation. Whatever they take I just have to let go, because it's gone and there's no way to get it back.

You can file me under "frustrated."

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day. If not, I'm hopping in my car and getting the hell out of here for a few days. Unless gas prices go back up. Then I'm crawling under my covers and staying there.



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