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June 24, 2004 - 11:16 am

Updates? We don't need no stinkin' updates!

So I've traversed a series of moods lately, ranging from horrible self-pity to almost violent misanthropy.

I blame the stupid Australian woman who has been occupying my favorite workspace in days of late. You'd think that if she hates me so much, she'd move to another computer. I, however, have no choice. She done hijacked half the computers with acces to the catalog database.

I also blame my poor luck. If there's one thing I'm not, it's lucky. If there's another thing I tend to be, it's stoopid. These two things together make for some frustrating outcomes sometimes, and lately, I've been really fighting the urge to take it out on the people around me, especially those who don't deserve it.

So here's an apology to anyone who's had to deal with my whining or crankiness. Also a thanks to anyone who's dealt with my weaknesses of late.

In other news, I'm feeling a bit better today. By "a bit" I mean a lot. Yesterday Stacey and I heard "1999" on the radio on the way home from dinner and I was inspired to make a mixed CD of my very favoritest Prince songs. Driving into town while listening to "Let's Go Crazy" will have some right positive effects on most anyone.

And last but not least...I had a very strange dream last night. I dreamt I had a baby. However, this baby was so small that I kept forgetting it and losing it, because it would fall between the couch cushions when I sat down. A number of people kept giving me that "you're SUCH a bad mother" vibe, like friends of mine that have babies, and the mother of the boy I used to have a crush on my sophomore year. Oh, yeah, did I mention that in my dream we were an item? Yeah, that was good news. Of course, I was too busy feeding my mini-baby to get my groove on.




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