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June 21, 2004 - 9:53 am

I officially label this past weekend the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad weekend. Starring myself as "Stoopid."

In the spirit of the Thumper rule ("If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all")-which I will take this moment to invoke for the remainder of today, and perhaps the rest of the week-, I'll keep my bitching brief: On top of Friday being so fucking charming, this weekend I somehow managed to injure myself playing tag in a way that I fear will involve xrays. Also: my own sheer stupidity caused me to throw away five hours of good work, making my productivity almost nothing.

I give up. At least, today I give up. Maybe tomorrow.

At times like this I like to remember something a wise young Haney said to me once: There's a lesson here, and that lesson is "Never try."



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