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June 18, 2004 - 4:33 pm

I asked a boy out today. A boy, a real one. He didn't try to stab me in my vital organs, nor did he punch me in the head or do any of the other things I fear so very much. And me, I didn't run away with my hands over my ass or anything. Wow.

I win.

No matter how this works out, I made my deadline.

He seems like a real nice fella...and he'd better be. I swear, if this one turns out to be a jerk, I'm grabbing my bat and going to play for the other team!

In other news, I'm wearing my white pirate skirt o' love today, and as a nice little "fuck you" from my clumsy side, I spilled coffee on it twice, and then topped it off with about a half cup of orange salad dressing. I am SO COOL!

Later that day...How my mood turned to bad:

  • At dinner I slopped even more shit on my skirt. This is getting downright embarrassing.
  • So when drinking coffee and having a mediocre chitchat with my mark, I learn that he has a girlfriend. The sad thing is that no matter how obvious I felt I was being, I don't think he realized that such information would shock me. Good thing I'm so skilled at playing it cool.
  • I locked my keys in my car. Pretty much for no good reason...perhaps just to solidify my title of "Fuckup supreme."
  • And last but not least, I'm working at Espresso Royale, and tonight just happens to be the night that some asshat with a guitar is playing in back, doing covers of songs I can't stand and trying to tell witty stories between songs. Write this off as my bad mood if you will, but I submit to the court Exhibit A for wanting to stab him: He covered some stupid Hoobastank song, you know, the one that makes me wanna draw blood. My headphones will only drown out so much of it.

I give up. Luckily I have work here to help me relax, oh wait...



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