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June 15, 2004 - 11:48 am

I'm proud to say that I have finished my last paper of the semester. That's right, kids, no more assigned writing for...well, months. Yay for months. Especially the kind that lack writing assignments.

Werkity work work...SSDAN stuff is finally coming together. It's nice to see a product after sitting here with my thumb up my ass for so long.

I'm listening to the Sneaker Pimps. Remember them? Yeah.

In other news: The best thing I overhead yesterday (1:03pm) "Sexy man pants." Now, I'm sure that whoever was speaking was probably talking about pants that belong to a sexy man, I, however, would like to believe they were discussing "sexy Man-Pants," as in, man-pants what are sexy.

Man-pants make me laugh.



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