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January 16, 2004 - 11:37 pm

No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to finish this stupid project. I've tried coffee, lowering my standards, working late nights and even using child labor, but STILL I can't seem to finish this stupid instructor's manual. It is my monster.

I would like to note, however, that I left this evening to go with Kyle to his company's holiday party, which involved a lot of people and free EVERYTHING at Weber's. This included watered-down drinks, a multi-coursed meal of high quality, and other things that tasted good. It was a few hours of consumption that really took the edge off. However, by 10 it kind of melted down to drunk people I don't know dancing to 50 Cent and all that, so I hopped on out.

So it's Friday night, and I'm back at work. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to empty my inbox. And my eyeballs hurt. And my favorite radio station won't stop the beats, even though I kinda wish they would.


I should really take up drinking in the office. In moderation, I believe it would increase my productivity. I also know, however, that if I got in my car and drove to the liquor store, I'd drive right home afterwards.

I'm not braving those winds for tequila. Nosiree.



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