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December 05, 2003 - 10:06 am

I'm officially labeling this a very stupid morning.

First, that time of the year has come when I can't drag myself out of bed on time. It took me a half hour, a half of a fucking hour, to get out of bed this morning, despite the horrible music and chatter coming from my alarm. I wasn't even sleeping, I was just lying there, because my blankets were warm.

Then again, I've got a whole winter semester of early mornings ahead of me. We'll see how that goes.

Also, I spent a good 20 minutes of the phone with machines, menus, and people with scripted responses, trying to explain to this company that since I cancelled their service in SEPTEMBER, I don't happen to have my membership information but STILL want them to refund the money they charged me last week. In the end I was successful, but it made me late.

And here's the funny thing about that "late" business...Turns out I had the day and time for my advising appointment right...but the week wrong. Whoops! Yeah, after rushing to campus and parking at a meter and all that nonsense, guess who was wasting her time? *points to self*

On the other hand, I'm now at work and that's always good times, at least when it's Friday.



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