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December 01, 2003 - 2:15 pm

Check out that date, yo! It's December, a month of celebrations, baked goods, and free time (starting soon).

This is a beautiful thing. For the first time since September, I have spare time. Not a lot yet, but relative to the last few months, it feels like years and I'm loving every second of it.

Last night Mike and Adrienne came over and the latter helped us to put up our christmas tree and other holiday decoration. Mike finally got our choo(x2) train to work, and even staged a huge accident involving my remote controlled jack on a snowmobile thingy. Yay for seeing people and not feeling guilty about doing so.

By Wednesday I should be done with 3 of my 5 classes. Am I the only one who thinks that's about as beautiful as a sunrise? I have a laundry list of people and books that deserve my attention in the 3+ weeks following finals.

Moment of audience acknowledgement: I need to go Christmas shopping something fierce. The fact is, I don't have a lot of money, so I need to severely limit the people I BUY gifts for, and figure out what to make for those who are left. So if you have any good ideas (either good crafts or presents...especially helpful if you have a good idea of the personalities found in my very bestest friends) please email or IM me or something. I need all the help I can get.

In other news: Zeb bought christmas lights for the office. Consider me holidayfied.



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