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November 27, 2003 - 11:36 pm

Before I begin, I'd like to note that in spite of this entry, I had a pretty good Thanksgiving. Props to family and Tabiness for making it so.

So...when driving my grandmother home I did all I could to keep my composure, because as well as she means, Ole Nugget gets worked up pretty easily, and on top of my concern for the dear lady I had history to remind me that when I get upset, she gets worked up. And when she gets worked up, she calls people, and drama usually happens.

So I kept my cool...well, for the most part. Then, after saying things that (unbeknownst to her becuase, well, she's my grandma and not the most perceptive of creatures) tore my heart out and handed it to me on a platter, she told me a secret that should have made me happy, but instead struck like bad news to the Nth degree.

So instead I just held it in until she waved goodbye and then sobbed the entire way back to Ann Arbor, berating myself for being unable to stop as I got nearer and nearer to Tabi's house and-were I to show up with puffy eyes- questions. The funny part of this story was that because I couldn't see, I wasn't driving very fast on 23, and imagined some cop pulling me over. I guessed it would go a little something like this:
Cop: So, what's going on here?
Me: Well, it seems that my parents don't love me, my grandma is going to die, and you're going to give me my first ticket in two years for going TOO SLOW *bursts into tears*
Cop: Um...okay...well, I'm just gonna give you a warning this time. Um, be careful, okay?
Megan: *sob* Just leave me here to DIE!
Cop: Well, I can't do that, miss...we'll have to tow your car after two days. Anyhow, have a happy Thanksgiving!

So yeah, well, it was much funnier in my head, with dramatic gestures and everything.

What's really getting to me is that I can't tell right now if I have average coping abilities and my life is just really fucked up, or if it's just kind of complicated, and I'm really overreacting. What I DO know is that Tabi's place is full of love and baked goods, and after sitting there for a few hours and soaking it all up, I feel much better.

That said, I'm going to sit here in my coat until the heat gets back up to a reasonable temperature (it was off when I came home, for some reason), and then go get some sleep. Yay for Holidays in the middle of the week, eh?



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