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November 26, 2003 - 11:48 am

Things I am thinking of right now:

  • Tuesday night coffee meetings are very necessary to my wellbeing. A large thank you to all involved in that process.

  • Thanksgiving is tomorrow. A whole day when I can completely justify not thinking about school at all. I honestly can't think of the last time I had one of those. I'm quite geeked.

  • I think the new guy in the copy center really got a kick out of helping poor ole me with my copies. In fact, he was so eager to help he wouldn't actually let me tell him what I needed, but instead steamrolled me with questions quite quickly, in hopes of portraying himself as the copy king, methinks, while I played damsel in distress.

  • Of 8 1/2 possible hours of class, only one is being held, and it's still voluntary. How fucking rad is that?

  • I can't wait for my fucking bangs to grow out. Label me annoyed.

  • This whole "end of semester" thing has me really excited. REALLY excited. Makes me wanna go buy more books, but my credit card says "NO!"

  • This whole venture into the history of arranged marriages is not working out as planned. Also, my fingers naturally mistype "marriage" as "marraige." Fucked up god knows how many of my searches before I realized what I was doing. Stupid fingers.

  • The grad library gives me a headache. AND it makes me feel like a REAL student. Why must I choose?



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