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November 24, 2003 - 4:50 pm

There aren't enough hours in the day. This is true. There ARE, however, enough cherry blowpops.

Today I had my blood drawn by a person who represents who I would probably be if I were male, older, possibly gay, and able to make it through med school. It seems we'll become well acquainted in the following months.

Calculated sacrifices have brought me to a point where I am finally content with the level of busy-ness I have in front of me. The end is in sight, and my projects are far apart enough to allow me to focus for more than a day on one thing. Yay time with its moving on and all that hurrah.

On another note: It's very sad when you realize you have too many problems on your head to really help your friends in need, as they ARE friends indeed. However, with this realization comes another one: that it's in everyone's best interest that you admit this, at least to yourself. My apologies to everyone who is not receiving their proper share of my attentions/support in times of're in my thoughts.



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