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November 23, 2003 - 9:44 pm

Today we did our pre-Thanksgiving shenanigans for those who weren't planning on being in town or had other plans that didn't involve being with friends on the aforementioned holiday (read: everyone in attendance). It was good times. Stacey and I took a big fat gulp of the workload, which was helpful since two unnamed kids decided to be multiple hours late, and added our feminine culinary expertise to the whole deal. The result, along with Jeff's turkey talents, were quite delicious.

The only thing that sucked was the pressure behind my eyes the entire time which I'm sure was a psychosomatic manifestation of the knowledge that I SHOULD have been reading my lit assignment instead.

And now it's late, and I also have to study for my history exam tomorrow morning, which took incredibly too much of my day yesterday, also.

So my head aches like mad, and I'm feeling kind of...well...I don't really even want to articulate how I feel right now, but it isn't very nice. Why? I don't know. Haven't quite found a good cause/effect there. Today, in all, was a pretty good day. In fact, I collected a lot of good little things to put in my "bag of reasons to be happy" and all, but somehow, on the way home, my mood took a nosedive, and now I'm just...blah.

And blah doesn't even do it justice.

Which makes me think this whole corrective measure business I've been considering might be a really good idea.

One more step towards maintaining the status quo, right kids?



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