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December 25, 2003 - 10:50 am

For those of you who don't understand why I love Michigan, here it is: White Christmasses. Now, I know that anyone in a state that gets decent snowfall may be saying right now "so fucking WHAT, it snows here too, and December's no exception." This is true.

What I love is that for the last god knows how many years I've had to listen to people blabber on with "Do you think we'll have a white Christmas this year?" As a seasoned Michigander, I never worry.

There aren't many things in this world that I have blind faith in, but one of those things is Michigan's ability to throw down some snow before I wake up on Christmas morning, even if that means a blizzard beginning at 10pm Christmas eve (see "Christmas 2002"), or a couple inches that don't begin to fall until well after 2am (see "last night") so that one way or another, when I wake up on December 25th, no matter what December 24th looked like, I will see the pretty white stuff that only looks nice on days like these.

Thank you, Michigan. Thichigan.



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