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December 28, 2003 - 11:38 am

Wow, I can't believe so much of my break is already over with, and yet I really don't feel that rested.

I think that part of it is what I've done with my time: Surrounding myself wtih people and then having a million things to do in my alone time. That can be a bad combination for anyone needing some relaxication. Ah well.

Yesterday Mike asked me to drive out to Burbank with him. He was going to take Adrienne, but her parents (who still hold sway over the young lass) said nay to his request. He doens't want to do it alone, and so...

I want to go, but I don't. I want to go because it would be fun, because it would be with Mike, and because I haven't seen him nearly enough in his last month here. I figure after driving 2000 miles and some change, I'll be ready to bid adieu to my good buddy, at least for a little while.

On the other hand, if I will be instantly giving up any chances of me time before classes start again. We'll have to leave on the 1st, and I'll get back just in time to unpack, go to bed, and wake up the day classes start. That gives me another couple of days to get the rest of my visiting in, but it will inevitably cut some people out, and that sucks.

I want to go more than I don't want to go, but I just fear I'll regret not getting sufficient rest before another harrowing semester. Maybe spring break will be my savior this year.

In other news: This medication sucks. When it's not making me sleep it's giving me stomach cramps. Grrr to stomach cramps. On top of that I'm afraid the really bad stuff is going to happen, so I keep looking for things like hair loss and jaundice. I suck.

I'm going to Darcie's today after all is said and done with everything else I must do. That should be nice. I haven't seen her in a good 4 months. Then again, isn't that always the story?



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