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December 30, 2003 - 1:15 pm

This kind of shit is always funny.

So I had planned on taking my car in yesterday morning, to get an oil change, tuneup, the whole nine yards. I figured she'd been good for so long she deserved to have those little things taken care of, too, like her tattered passenger-side windshield wiper, or the heater fan on the driver's side that didn't work.

But then it was raining, and I had to buy books, and I had to get to work. So I swore I'd do it the next day.

Ole Blue didn't like that. No suree...When I got to my car after work last night, in spite of her former superbattery status and the fact that I'd left nothing ajar or on, she was as dead as Michael Jackson's chances of a gig with Big Brothers of America.

Her sheer stubborness when Stacey came to help me jump the battery, in spite of the help of a local studenty niceguy who offered his services, led me to believe something was wrong. In fact, I offered my professional opinion to Brian the Mechanic as "something done broke in the enginey area." Sakstrups sent their nicest tow guy, who not only waited for my ass to get there, but told me for future reference that he'd come pick me up in the future if something like this happened on a nonbusy day like today, and that all I had to do was ask the receptionist. Information that would have been helpful earlier that morning...C'est la vie, no?

Anyhow, that leaves me kind of immobile. Last night it meant I could sit and watch Law & Order for four hours instead of visiting friends, which was sort of what I needed in the end anyhow, but tonight being the last night for a real visit to anyone who I haven't seen, it sucks that I have to be that person that can only hang if someone picks me up. I'm hoping I can make tonight a coffee night with Karen, and then I won't be too much of a burden, and can still see people.

Also, I left my hot chocolate for one kit that I got from Tabi. Instead, I will drink as much coffee as I can fit in my stomach (with powdered creamer-ack!) and LIKE IT! I do, however, have a lot to do and enough energy and brainworkerings available to do off I GO!



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