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December 31, 2003 - 7:31 am

That timestamp is sort of right this time, kidds. I gave myself caffeine poisoning last night.

I lost count of the cups of coffee, but all I can say is that there were a lot, and more than a lot, and a few more after that. Karen and I suffered the same, but our comrades got off light, having arrived later.

Either way, I got shaky around midnight and my heart and innards were in a ruckus all night so I could only sleep on my back (or my heart felt squished), and when I say "Sleep" I really mean "lay in a restful way" as I didn't really fall asleep for more than a few minutes before the sound of my breathing got louder than the pounding of my heart.

That sucked.

I'm gonna go to work now. See you tonight!



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