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January 01, 2004 - 9:31 am

NOTICE: Before I start with the usual tomfoolery, I should post news of my imminent departure. I will be accompanying one Michael Haney on a cross-country drive to his new home in Burbank, California. It'll be our last HUZZAH before LA sucks him dry. It seems he doesn't want to drive alone, and he likes my company. Whoda thunkit?

I'll be flying back late on the 5th, which means I will probably not be updating, or checking email, or attending any ballyhoo happening in Michigan until that time. It also means that if I haven't had a chance to spend (any/enough?) time with you during break, I can only offer my apologies and regrets. I will, however, be answering my phone, so if you'd like to subsitute a late-night coffee meeting for a short phone conversation, dial that sucker!

And so, in a way, my break has come to an end right along with 2003. We had a wonderful time last night, and I hope that you, dear reader, were here and have your own memories of the event. I could say much more about it, but we've got to get going. I'll sum it up by raising my glass.

Dear friends, I propose a toast: New Years parties, because it's easy to remember a bad year fondly if it ends on a good note. our dumpster-ready video cabinet made into a liquor cabinet. Karen the bartender, making the mad drinks with our drunkwear, getting mad drunk herself, and still getting up to be at work at 8 this morning. high-quality te-kill-ya, sake, creme de this and that, liquers of many flavors and colors, and enough vodka to warm a russian field army. Stacey's chili dip and the big TV. We couldn't have done it without you. "Hey Ya" and every other song that made our booties shake. heartfelt chats, liquor-induced or otherwise. 'Tis the season to let people know WHY you care. every new person I met last night. 'Twas a pleasure. every good friend who made my evening better. Liquor can't hold a candle to your belly-warming abilities. old friends in new places. They'll never love you like we do, though they'll sure as hell try. We miss you already.

May each year surpass the one before, instead of merely succeeding it!



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