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January 07, 2004 - 2:26 am

So the trip to Burbank went well. Actually, "well" is an understatement. It was a scrumtrulescent time, and though I have no intention of doing it again (at least not in the near future) I don't regret a bit of it, except for the Grand Canyon.

So, there's a laundry list of things I'd like to write about. I even kept a short list of notes in my notebook and on the stationery at the Luxor (read "Roxor") Hotel, where we stayed in our short detour through Vegas.

Vegas, baby, Vegas! Daddy's gonna give 'em the Rainman sweep!

Anyhow, I'm tired and since I've gotten back I've had 45,000,000 (and 1?) things to take care of. My email inbox is a monster I can no longer contain.

Also, Tabi throws rockin' dinner parties.

In other words, there's a lot to say that I don't really feel like saying right now. Thus far I'm pretty sure my classes are gonna be mad hectic and equally fun. Let's just wait and see if this turns into a 4 month period of hermitage.

So off I go. I have a lot of work to do if I still want to make the bill-paying cheddah, and a few errands to run while I'm at it. The days are full of fun!



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