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April 16, 2003 - 12:32 pm

Two down, three to go.

Just rocked my Shakespeare final. Surprised myself by recognizing "You are too absolute" by itself as a line from Coriolanus (possibly the play I hate most and would most like to forget forever). So, from now on it's HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY for me.

I'm all "slowly but surely" on the Chinese history stuff. Well, one way or another, it'll be over next Thursday. From that day on, I swear, with somebody's god as my witness, I'll never think of the Song dynasty again.

Went to breakfast w/Haney, and was glad I did. Lately, we've had great conversations when we sit in a diner and I drink coffee. Don't know why.

Thing that makes me uncomfortable/just plain weirded out: When I talk with someone about how I don't really approve of some third party's actions, and within a day or two that third party completely changes their tune. Sometimes I absolutely know it's a result of the other person passing my displeasure along, but sometimes I don't, and I'm just left mystified....or not.

Five points if you can figure out either of the two situations I'm alluding to...and by five points, I mean big hug.

So today it's nice outside, tomorrow that will change. With any luck, it will change again soon thereafter. One way or another, I've got my last two classes of the semester starting in just over an hour, and I think I have good reason to go eat my lunch outside. Update: Walking out of my last class of the semester (though ten minutes late, this is the legacy of Professor Chang) brought such a victorious feeling. From this point on, I have to read. Then I have to study. Then I have to take a few exams. Then I have to FUCKING RELAX! WOOHOO! says the fly. Oh, and someone got a veggie pizza from NYPD for lunch, and left the remains to the savages in the as I made my copies this evening, I also got free dinner. Yay me. Nothing like free spinach, I always say.



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