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April 12, 2003 - 5:53 am

Two more weeks!

So all of my homework for all of my other classes, save actual studying and taking the finals...all I have left is a fuckuva lotta reading for THAT CLASS (dum dum DUM!) and I'll be home fucking free for a three day weekend.

Something that makes sense to me: If you CANNOT go out on a weekend, intake alcohol, and NOT end up miserably wondering why in the fuck you feel so shitty need to do one of two things. You either need to a) take some fucking discipline pills and QUIT while you're ahead. Really, it IS okay to stop drinking when you are just feeling "good" instead of shoving liquor down your throat until it collides with vomit on its way down. OR b) Stop doing it so damned much. I mean, when you tell me how you woke up Saturday morning feeling like you'd been hit by a truck, moaning "Why did I drink last night, I feel like shit and NOW I have to go to work", then tell me about Saturday night, when, instead of just NOT drinking, you once more had 6 beers, a shot of everything, and a fucking martini (knowing that you had to work Sunday morning, also), I REFUSE to feel bad for you.

I mean, c'mon. Now I've changed my ways a bit since high school. I understand the use of alcohol as stress release, and a way to have a good time on a Friday after some horrid anxiety or another. Maybe its not the BEST coping mechanism, but I know how fucking effective it is. But there is a such thing as a reason NOT to drink. Two examples are "I had a horrid hangover this morning" (eg. last night was a mistake), and "I have to work at 10 AM tomorrow.

Of course, not that I'm talking about anyone in particular, or anything...

Small rant = over.

Anyhow, it warms my bitter, black heart to see that people are still reading this shit, even when I take half a week to write what I used to write daily. Yay you guys.

Other things of note:

Martel isn't going to die! I know I never wrote about her dying in the first place, but just know that she shall LIVE!

The Violent Femmes are a good reason to get out of bed in the morning.

So is this fucking weather. WOOT!

More trouble with my Danger Zone. Will it never end? Tune into the next episode of "SHENANIGANS" to find out!

That's all for today, kidds.

*Crazy American Dance Party! Everybody dance!*



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