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April 08, 2003 - 12:52 am

Two things of note today:

1) I went to Cookie's, threw down a wad of bills, and said "FUCK WITH MY HAIR, NOW, PEASANT!"...or...more accurately, I made an appointment for a trim, and walked out with a drastic dye job and chop. My hair is now shorter than I ever remember it being in the past.

2) I made some serious progress on that paper o' mine. Admitted, I didn't get it written up as I'd intended, but I did get an idiot-proof outline done up which holds the possibility of a rockin' history paper.

There's a clear cause and effect here. My Mood yesterday kept on today, and after the fourth person asked me why I was mad at them, I realized I needed some sort of stress relief, thus activity #1...which let off enough pressure for me to accomplish activity #2. See how that goes?

End result = I'm very tired, but also much happier than when I awoke.



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