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April 18, 2003 - 5:58 pm

So it's Friday...

Things of note:

Martel was supposed to come down today and go job hunting, but come 3pm or so, when she was due down here, I started calling to find that she was not answering her phone. When I finally called her parents' house, as that is the place from where she should have left, he dad said something I didn't quite catch about "Mt. Pleasant," "St. Something or another," "Rachel," "boyfriend," and "accident." Well, for whatever reason, I'm gonna go ahead and consider her a no-show. For all I know, I could get a voicemail tonight that was originally left by her this morning explaining everything...OR she just forgot. Either way, can't say I don't appreciate the sudden gift of spare time for the weekend. Gives me more wiggle room for everything else. I just hate that "not knowing what's going on" business...

Last night, a good half or full hour before I would have normally booted myself from Denny's and its wonderful caffeinated goodness, someone came and sat at my table. And by "someone" I mean...Jameson? Yeah, odd. Turns out he'd just hit town for Eastery things. End result was the night lasting a little bit longer than I'd expected, a little less homework done, a lot more smooching, and a touch of Jimmy and Mouse I had not been anticipating. All of these things are pretty much pleasant, save the fact that all that coffee COMPLETELY deprived me of any chance at REM sleep before 5am. I R Suxors...and the weird internal crisis that arose from me realizing I need to redefine the boundaries of my own integrity, for reasons that would make this entry way too long were I to elaborate on them...

Mike greeted me today with a gift, always good times. We also had good conversation on the ride to work and at lunch. (NOTE: Mike and Megan getting lunch together, without a "special occasion" such as the presence of a visitor or something, is in itself a special event.) All was well.

As a result of item #1, I tried to switch my Lauren happenings of tomorrow eve to tonight, in hopes I could turn this mishap into a neat little packaging of my spare time...turned into a small clusterfuck. I'm still not entirely sure what's going on. I anticipate an evening of homework, perhaps broken by some Law & Order, or maybe a quick event with some friend or another later in the evening.

Anyhow, blah blah blah blah. I'm really fucking tired and just wanna take a nap. Nap time for Megan. I've done shit in the last hour cuz my brain is too sleepy...I R SUCK.



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