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April 20, 2003 - 6:23 pm

Here's why I'm a big loser:

Today's Easter. I forgot.

Now, that's prolly not such a big deal, I mean, of all the commercial holidays, Easter isn't half as bad as, say, Christmas or something. And some people couldn't even tell you what the religious purpose of it is, anyhow.

What makes me sad is that I grew up in a family that celebrates fact, they're prolly celebrating today. On top of that, I've had numerous people mention their plans to me, and I've even seen someone that wouldn't be around if not for the event...

Megan: So, what are you doing in town?
Long Lost Friend: I'm here to celebrate the resurrection of Christ
Megan: No shit! That's happening in Ann Arbor!!?!

In spite of all this, I woke up today and went about my normal Sunday routine, much more concerned with all the damned reading I have to get done than what happened 2000 years ago to a prophet. Mid-afternoon I realize that Chinese food at dinnertime sounds fantastic, and I call up Jim to see if he'd like to come down to join in...Oh, yeah...sorry buddy, forgot it was easter and all, and instead of eating whatever people eat on easter and enjoying eggs of all colors, I'm drinking espresso and reading Chinese history like the sun's gonna explode if I don't.

And then I come home to an empty apartment. I feel really fuckin' detached right now. Perhaps it's a lack of sleep that's doing me in. Let me go find out...*heads for bed*



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