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January 24, 2003 - 9:33 am

So my first paper of the semester is coming up: An autoethnography about writing. I'm sure I could write a million things about how I write, what I write, why I write, and how I feel about all that, but most of it would be rambling, and I'd be lucky as shit to really make sense of it. However, we also have to make a statement about writing with all of this...THIS is where I fall short.

As much as I love writing, I really hate it. I feel like I'm fishing, and it's pretty impossible to depend on being able to catch something good. Maybe I should write about that.

Anyhow, that's my endeavor for Sunday. I have so much other homework to do that I'm gonna leave a bit early today and head somewhere to get a head start, perhaps even hanging out downtown until it's done. Hopefully I'll get it all done tonight so I can have tomorrow free.

Yesterday Jim told me I should write about things that make me angry so I won't get stressed. *giggles* If only he understood...

Today I bought breakfast. It just seemed like a good idea. It's Friday and for all I care I can sit in this office until 7 and LIKE it, so I thought "What better than some coffee and a muffin to start my day?" I went to Cafe Ambrosia, the coffeeshop across the street where the boss remembers everyone with an almost creepy warmth. Anyhow, they have really good blueberry muffins, but I have one problem with them: They're always cold. Not that I'm incapable of throwing my muffin in the microwave, but damnit, it just doesn't seem right! Now I sit, staring at this lump of tastiness, unwilling to give in and eat a cold muffin ONE MORE TIME. Earlier I put my lips to it and blew hot breath, hoping I could warm my muffin like I often warm my gloves in the morning, but to no avail. I give up.



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