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January 27, 2003 - 9:22 am

So it's Monday morning and I'm in the office. I've got Interpol playing but in my heart I wish it were Joy Division. I very much desire to take now through Thursday off of work, and if I thought it wouldn't mean starving in the streets, I would.

But what I mean is, how are you?

This morning I told Mike a funny story and he did that thing where he turned it into a way to rip on me. I am in no way ready to handle that any time before 10am, so I yelled at him. He didn't understand. Chances are, he never will. Hey, he's a bloody canadian-lovin' fool and his mother dresses him funny.

Friday night Karen had people over to say goodbye to her apartment. I finished my first ever game of Monopoly, losing, of course, to Sean. I opted out of the game of Life that happened when Matt and Jim came by, preferring to be responsible for any "Acts of God" that may occur. Matt made cheating a rule and the game was good fun. It was also a night for good quotes. Two examples:

"But...b-baby! That wasn't your sister, she was just PRETTY!" -ME

"Ain't no pussy too good for me while I'm up in it." Karen, quoting Snoop D-O-Double Gizzle fo shizzle nizzle!

Long story short it was a good night full of bad pizza and board games. I had to hop out early to work Saturday, which was tiring as all fizuck. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the fat wad of money that adorned my back pocket all weekend.

I spent all of yesterday working on a paper. In the end, accomplished a good 2/3 or what I had intended. I'll catch up someday. If not, I'd better figure something out quick, cuz shit isn't getting any less hectic.



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