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January 29, 2003 - 11:56 am

There have been many things on my mind lately, but I've been so damned busy my email is piling up and I'm barely updating anymore. (LAZE-EEEEE)

To begin: My sister. I love her like goodness. She's my best friend, my very favorite relative, and the number one person I'd do anything for. Seeing her in the hospital yesterday bothered me because she was in pain and she was lonely. Though I know she'll feel better in time, and I know that she's getting more than her share of visitors and phone calls, my sister is too used to being surrounded by loved ones to spend even an afternoon alone in a cold, antiseptic hospital.

My sister and I are very close. We have no problem making it abundantly clear how much we love and appreciate each other, and when she got all hopeful and asked if I had plans on Saturday (which she will quite possibly spend alone if my nephews are well enough to go to their wrestling tournament), I instantly told her I'd come over and watch TV with her, make her dinner, etc. Of course, you may now be thinking "Megan, don't you work from 11-7 on Saturdays?" Why, yes I do. But hey, that's what Sundays are for, right? I'll do it later, says I. I'm sure Lauren will understand.

Anyhow, leaving last night just made me feel oddly guilty. I stayed until a while after visiting hours were over, and she was well on her way to sleepytime when I left, but I just felt like I should have grabbed a cot and made my home right there until she was discharged. This lonely, guilty feeling wasn't helped by my breaking the cardinal rule of "No Radiohead while driving." I countered it with some They Might Be Giants when I got home, but the damage was done.

Weirdness. Yesterday, during my visit I commented to my sister that it was my brother's birthday. We gave him a call and left the number there, but no luck on a call back (between the three hour difference and it being his birthday, we didn't really expect one). Anyhow, when I got home there was a very late birthday card from him to me...Hrm...

The other night at Denny's, Matt, Jim and I got into a conversation about "What is a soup?" Jim and I agree that "soup" is just one category of semiliquid goodness, on the same level (but in a different category) as chilis, gumbos, etc. Matt claims everything eaten in a bowl is a soup-even cereal. What say you?

I'd like to take a moment to touch on one of my pet peeves. I've prolly complained about this before, but I'd like to do it again. You see, I can be very random in my conversations sometimes. In fact, sometime I talk moontalk. Most of my friends, however, take it well. In fact, those I enjoy most can catch the ball, Harlem-Globetrotter it for a while, then toss it back. (Ex. Thorne, Mike, etc.) Anyhow, I've noticed lately that a friend of mine that I usually talk to in person, who I've formerly credited as having a sense of humor tends to respond to any irrelevant story with an "Ohhhhhkaaaay...." or some other "you're crazy and I don't know how to comment"-kinda remark. Man I hate it when people do this. I mean, are you so box-minded that you can't take anything outside of a normal "I'm fine, how are you?" without it throwing your whole train of thought off? You know what I think of people who do this? I think "Unimaginative" and I usually pass them off. Often, they're strangers, so this is easy. But my friends? What's up there?

Anyhow...*steps off of soapbox* I'm over that. I need food and to go work done before I hit class again. Take care, young'uns!



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