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January 30, 2003 - 11:30 am

Things that made a difference in my day yesterday:

(1) My aunt finished my taxes. I'm getting hellamoney back. This is good because it solves my "how can I pay my rent and still have time to study" dilemma. Effective directly after the check-cashing, I'm knockin' it down to...I dunno, but NOT A LOT! Happiness.

(2) Met Lauren's friend Benjamin, aspiring UltraOrthodox Jew. He's so neato. Him and Karen talked about mysticism all night and completely ruined my homework vibe, but he also helped me out w/Marx, so it's all good.

(3) Temporary return of Thorne. For the first time in months, he was online last night. We had good times w/conversation, and I missed days when good people were always online. Now it's only here or there. In fact, I attribute my dissatisfaction w/a certain friend's conversational skills from him spoiling me w/goodness for the last year.

So, yeah, last night was good times, but I stayed up really late and didn't get all of my shit done, which kinda sucks ass on my part. I'm a loser. However, I have today and all weekend to try to make it up. One of these days, I will.

Later that day: I think there is some cosmic force working against my getting a haircut. I had an appointment on Tuesday, but it was cancelled when Cookie hurt her back. Today, I wasn't sure I had the time right, but I just figured I'd turn up at three (When I thougth I had rescheduled for) and see what happened. So...I had the time right but I was crossed off? Yeah, I dunno. Anyhow, I was asked to reschedule again (her back was still all screwy), so I said cool and I guess we'll see what Tuesday brings, eh? Oddness.



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