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January 31, 2003 - 9:36 am

Fuckin' A brutha!

I got to sleep in a whole hour or so today, and still start clockin' hours at nine!

How did I manage, you might ask? Well, even if you didn't, I'll tell you: I'm working from HOME! I wish I could do this EVERY Friday. Oh, the time I'd save in commuting and showering (hey, what are lunch breaks for?).

It seems that this is the week for people who need care. Not only did I have to bust ass to work around seeing my sister in the hospital, but I might have to rearrange my weekend for it, too. Also, today, the reason I'm here instead of at work, is because Stacey got her wisdom teeth out this morning. I'll see what I can do about posting pictures.

In the meantime, that means double duty, so I'm off. More later.



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