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February 03, 2003 - 12:02 pm

...Aaaand I'm back!

A few points of (my) interest:

  • To the folks at Einstein Bros this afternoon (You know who you are): What the fuck? Quit fuckin' round or I'll take my $4 to Bruegger's, bitches!

  • The Record Exchange has moved a lotta shit into their $5 or less areas to try to clear up some space. I got 6 CDs for $13. Good times.

  • NYPD's mushroom pizza = good lunch.

So...I'm getting fat again. It's annoying. However, I'm too busy to start trying to eat right and too stressed to want to (stress + chocolate = sanity). Also, winter makes me desire to stay dormant in an effort to maintain body heat. With 18 credits,a helluva lotta bills, and the disappearance of Haney's pressure to move, I just can't convince myself to go to the gym anyway. I need a swift kick in the ass or something.

This whole "being too busy on the weekends" thing has seriously retarded my posting abilities. My apologies, faithful readers. I'll fix it...someday.

As for those few days between then and now, here's what I would have written about:

Friday was Brad's birthday. Once I had secured the roommate with overcooked noodles, kool-aid, and strict orders to call me if she needed anything, I headed out to ABC for good times and Outrage kids. The table was set up in a way that any one person could only talk to those around him/her (long table, many people), so I spent many hours talking with Ben (nice guy extraordinaire), Josh (funny as shit, but is about as mature as his own children), and Matt (the only other non-Outrager there. Good friend of Brad's, Rendezvous patron, and computer nerd). This was well enough for a while, then I started rotating spots to get a variety of stimuli. Two drunk guys came and sat at our table, not saying anything, for a bit. Then one left to go sing at one table and dance at another. Hey, at least they got Ryan to talk.

Saturday I ran around and did stuff for a good portion of the day. I then met up with Tabi and Karen (who is drinking incredibly too much lately. As people's exhibit A, I'd like to present her new haircut) for dinner at a schmoozy restaurant at which Tabi's friend (who looks like a handsom Ron Perlman) was working. Tabi and I ordered mimosa's until I started talking to the food and calling our waiter "Cowboy." I was promptly cut off. This is a good thing, as these drinks (which had no price on the menus) were $10 each. I might be cheap but FUCKIN' A! Hey, Saturday only comes once a week, right?

I made a quick exit once we were back in Farmington and I was sober. I had no intention of sticking around Karen's apartment, which I saw as the physical manifestation of the "Devil Karen" (i.e. acting like a college freshman) of late. I met up w/Jim and his friend Brad @ the Rendezvous. Bart and Ramey were also there. End result was good times.

Sidenote: Brad, computer geek and all out kinda shy guy (at least when it comes to girls), completely talked up this really cute girl and got her number. I'd like everyone to give him props when you get the chance.

After a weekend of foolishness, Sunday came. I did homework. That's pretty much it. After a few hours I went to the Rendezvous, and was promptly joined by Brad's friend Matt (see "Friday") who I haven't seen there in a while (all that talk Friday eve must have inspired him). In the end, I came home, did more homework, and went to sleep. I am SO COOL!

About dreams: I had one on Saturday night. In fact, I had one fuck of a dream. It went through many different stages, and was, of course, quite odd, but what makes it notable is that it was quite emotionally-charged. Most of the dream carried with it some strong feelings, which climaxed at the end with this horribly sad scene. You see, I was standing inside a house, looking out at a 2nd floor deck, and as I watched, more and more people appeared out there. Everyone was talking as if this were a barbecue or some other social event. As I watched I saw more and more people appear. Suddenly I realized that they were all ghosts. I was standing there, watching years go by, and as I watched people I loved were dying. I saw my mother, grandmother, and aunt talking, related it to a past Thanksgiving, and was filled with such an overwhelming sadness that I started sobbing. I wanted to go out there, but there was this 3 ft. gap where the wood was rotted and gone, and I was afraid I'd fall if I tried to jump it. I woke up with the feeling of cold water on my face. I had been crying in my sleep.

Dreams like this always stay in my head for a long time. I think it's the strong emotions connected to it that keep it fresh. Anyhow, this dream disturbed me for a long time after I woke up.

Wow, I've written a lot. There's nothing to write about Monday yet, so I guess I'll just save it for tomorrow.



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