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February 04, 2003 - 3:08 pm

So I figured that some day I would catch up on things and would no longer be stretching my hours to fit in more and more homework.

I'm still hoping that day will come.

Although my planner looks much less crowded, shit just keeps popping up. I'm really hoping I can get my shit together in time for spring break, and work ahead to make the rest of the semester a'ight. The only problem is that now that my financial situation is peachy (or at least baring some semblance to that state), it seems that I'm too far behind on little shit at work to take any time off.

In other words, I feel like I'm being pulled in a million different directions. *Contemplates Shang Yang...was he really THAT happy when the horses went running?*

I was all about spending my weekends in hedonistic frosh-lish it seems I don't have the time. My sister called me today and reminded me of my nephews' wrestling meet on Sunday. They only have one a season that's within an hour of my house, so I attend when I can. So happens my brother-in-law's parents aren't attending, so I have to go as so my sister doesn't rip a stitch chasing the youngest of her brood. She invited me to come out the night before so we could hang, but with everything, I'm not sure I'll really have time to pull Sunday morning off without going absolutely fucking insane. *shrug* I'll figure something out.

In lighter news, Stacey Jane has much spare time this week and spent some of it last night cleaning the apartment (which was a filthy pit) and putting some holiday shit away. Yay her. She's my hero.

My tummy feels fuckin' odd. I wish it'd keep feeling that way so I'd stop fucking eating. I swear, my apetite is fucking disgusting lately. I need some serious UNhungry to eventually replace my pants to normal.




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