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February 05, 2003 - 9:32 am

Right now I'm talking to Martel. I'm trying to convince her to move down here. Of course, I'm pretty damned sure I'll never succeed. It's like a dance, though. Every now and then one of us mentions it, then I move in with the million reasons this area is better than Mount Pleasant, then she comes back with why it's a bad idea. We go back and forth until one of us changes the subject to something that involves dancing, primates, or soup.

This time she admitted she could move in for summer. But where would we put her? My room's too small, and Stacey won't share (she bought her way through kindergarten).

So yestserday I went to get a haircut. I came out with rockandroll hair. I felt it necessary to repurple last night, also. Stacey helped. She put an excess of dye on my head then giggled madly, saying I resembled a freshly hatched alien podling.

So, today's been a not-so-bad kinda day. Went to lunch expecting to sit and read apps all hour, but I ran into Pfeiffer, Ryan and Scott, so I joined them. Somehow tagged an invite to a celebratory drunkering tonight at ABC. Not sure I'll be able to make it, but damned it's nice to be thought of, eh?

Thinking of taxes has been making me think of money has been making me think of what I'm gonna do with it has been making me think of that trip I'm taking my sister on for her birthday has been making me think that it's about time to start booking things and such. I spent a good chunk of this morning checking out B&B's and figuring what my budget was for such. Some of them are SO FANCY! I think I'm gonna run them by her this weekend when I'm over there. I can't wait!



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