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February 06, 2003 - 3:42 pm

Back to the grind, kiddies.

Last night I did the irresponsible but yet so much more fun thing by meeting Scott and other Outrage folk at ABC. When I arrived, I noticed only two people I recognized, but I guess the rest were just testers and such I'd not yet met. Good people nonetheless. Had a good time and drank too much. The reason I'm doubly irresponsible is because I drank too much at the END of the night, so instead of leaving at 11pm, when most everyone else went to saunter out, I was still drunk. So I just hung and talked with Scott until we noticed the bar was closing. We were both getting sleeping and sinking into the couch. Truth is, I was prolly sober at 1am, but I was so sleepy and comfy I didn't bother to try to stand up and see.

Yeah, so 7am arrived WAY to early this morning.

In retrospect, last night was a little odd.

Ever have one of those situations where you start out the evening on a couch or some other group sitting place, with a friend, and within an hour or two you're still doing the same thing (watching TV, talking, etc) but you're somehow kinda cuddling. Not necessarily face down in each other's laps, playing with nipples or anything, but you just suddenly NOTICE that you've been sinking into each other and that were someone to come in, they might feel they were interrupting something?

Yeah, it went down something like that.

Of course, considering the wide range of affection levels waged by my various friends, or by the same friends in various levels of intoxication, I wasn't sure how to handle this. When we walked back to our cars he seemed really nervous and 16-ish, and I noticed that he walked past his street, like he was going to walk me back to my car. So I offered him a lift back to the parking structure, kind soul that I am. When I dropped him off, he kept saying things like "Yeah, we should do this more often....this was a lot of fun...yeah...we really should...yeah..." So I opened the door and pushed him out onto the pavement before driving home.

OK, so I didn't do that. Geez, I'm not an asshole, fuckers.

But I did feel odd, like I knew that even if this were just alcohol-inspired neediness, I could have completely come on to one of my friends last night. Of course, this isn't a bad thing. Hell, under normal circumstances I might have been willing to suffer inevitable drama (being as he IS Mike's coworker...yeah, inevitable) that would have come from it. Still, the last thing I need right now is to have one of my friends giving me the slip in the future because something odd happened when he was drunk. Yeah, so I was drunk too...but that inflamed sense of responsibility haunts me, yo.

Wicker kept trying to call me last night to get help w/an assignment. When I told him why I wasn't answering at first, he called me a boozer. I fell over and slurred out a "Hey, just cuz you're not 21 doesn't make ME the alcoholic, Drinky McLushLush." So what if it didn't make any sense.

End result: No hangover, and I'm really not as tired as I should be. On the other hand, I prolly should have spent last night doing homework, so I wouldn't be do damned overwhelmed right now. Still, I met a lot of good people, and, regardless of analyses, had good conversation with a normally elusive friend.

So...Thursday. Yeah, hit complete despair in my tutoring seminar when I realized how much shit I have to finish before spring break. Someone suggested a pretty reasonable and non-whiny way to lighten the load on some of us (a deadline extension) and I almost burst into sweet tears of joy. These fucking observations sessions are going to eat me alive.

I feel I'll be much less stressed if I can somehow catch up so much on work that I will actually be able to take time off without NOT getting necessary things done. Then, and only then, will I feel sweet, sweet relaxation.



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