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January 09, 2003 - 12:14 pm

This morning I was quite cranky. First off, I was tired. Second, stupid little things that I would normally shrug off kept happening, like tripping here or bumping my shin there, etc. Third, it seems that traffic at 8:15 am is SO MUCH worse than at 8:25 am that I must leave my house 15 minutes earlier to make it to Mike's 5 minutes early. Shit on me. Anyhow, I got there at 8:30, and he didn't saunter downstairs until I let loose on his door at 8:40. This made me a wee touchier (believe me, I was already WAY touchy), as today is my early day, and Mike knows it. In truth, it was nothing big, but it pushed me to the "I'm not going to be able to speak without bitching" point, so I was all quiet-like on the way to work. I think this made him feel like I was mad at him, but I'd rather just let him believe that than open my mouth, take my bad mood out on him, and remove any doubt he had. I should apologize later.

When I got to campus, things just kept going all stupid. I grabbed a copy of the Daily, and didn't realize until I got to class that it was yesterday's print. So I booked around the Chem building (which is the size and layout of an early 1980's-era high school) trying to find the paperstacks. I found one, empty, and then noticed another one across the commons. I took the top paper from the stack (which still had the plastic ties sticking out from underneath) and realized that this was ALSO yesterday's print. Damnit! I went back to class, cranky as ever, borrowed some paper from Wicker (Yeah, I forgot my notebooks, too) and took notes until I fell asleep halfway through lecture. Damn these morning things.

Today I was reading my twin's diary and I took a personality test.

What's Your Personality Type?

brought to you by Quizilla

I have absolutely no idea what answers of mine led to this conclusion. Craziness, eh?

Things that make me an unhappy asian guy: I checked my guestbook today, and there were two new messages, from the same girl. The messages themselves were hollow, but she linked to her own page. Yeah, porn. That's annoying. Why, Megan, you say, you love porn! Yes, that's true, but using my guestbook to shamelessly plug your porn site is so NOT kosher I could kill a kitten! So, young starlets with legs to spread and boobs to shame mine, take it somewhere else. Yeah, you can stuff your sorries in a sack, mister!

Later that day: They're GONE!

Dave secured his position as my favorite law student in the world when he came in for a visit last week and brought both Oreos and Pepsi, in honor of old times, when the two of us did our best to keep the office stocked in junk food at all times. Right now I'm quite thirsty, and the Pepsi is really hitting the spot. Yay Dave!



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