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May 13, 2003 - 8:48 am

Stacey has these black boots that I borrow all the time. Well, she has a lot of footwear that I borrow, but that's beside the point. Anyhow, these are neat because they go up to my knees, which I enjoy because they're like my little secret when I wear them under jeans. Also, and most importantly, they have relatively soft soles, but really hard heels. This means that I can sneak up the stairs on my tippy toes and then walk really heavily the rest of the way up the hall, like I just APPEARED! Also, I like to match my steps with people on the street that wear tennis shoes, so it looks like their shoes are making the noise.

Last night someone asked me about those heels. I told them they were made from "100% bones of the non-believers."



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